Here is a list of Madden attribute abbreviations and an explanation for each attribute:
(OVR) Overall - The overall rating for the player.
(SPD) Speed - How fast the player can run.
(ACC) Acceleration - How fast a player reaches full speed.
(STR) Strength - The player's strength, which affects his ability to break tackles.
(AGI) Agility - The player's agility, enhancing his ability to switch directions.
(AWR) Awareness - A player's ability to react and adjust.
(CTH) Catching - How well the player can catch. A higher rating means fewer drops.
(CAR) Carrying - How well the player holds onto the football. A higher rating means the less chance of a fumble.
(THP) Throw Power - How far a player can throw the ball.
(THA) Throw Accuracy - How accurate a player throws. New attributes for Madden 10 are THA (Short) - accuracy on short passes, THA (Mid) accuracy on medium passes, THA (Deep) - accuracy on deep passes.
(PAC) Determines the effectiveness of play action for QB.
(RUN) Accuracy when throwing on the run.
(KPW) Kick Power - A kicker's power.
(KAC) Kick Accuracy - A kicker's accuracy.
(RBK) Run Block - How well a player run blocks.
(PBK) Pass Block - How well a player pass blocks.
(TAK) Tackle - A player's ability to tackle.
(JMP) Jumping - The player's ability to jump.
(RET) Return - Skill of the player as a punt or kick returner.
(INJ) Injury - The likelihood of an injury.
(STA) Stamina - The player's stamina level.
(TGH) Toughness - A players ability to recover from injuries.
(TRK) Trucking - Player's ability to run over a defender attempting a tackle.
(ELU) Elusiveness - Likely the ability to escape tackles (or perhaps sacks). This is a key statistic for running backs, receivers, and quarterbacks.
(BCV) Ball Carrier Vision - Ability to spot the open field.
(SFA) Stiff Arm - Player's ability with the stiff arm maneuver.
(SPM) Spin Move - Player's ability with the spin maneuver.
(JKM) Juke Move - Player's ability with the juke move.
(IBK) Impact Blocking - Blockers ability to make a leveling.
(RBK-STR) Run block strength.
(RBK-FT) Run block footwork.
(PBK-STR) Pass block strength.
(PBK-FT) Pass block footwork.
(POW) Hit Power - The strength of the player's hit, which can determine the success of a tackle or the possibility of a fumble.
(FIN) Finesse Moves - Similar to power moves but it's the ability to spin or swim around blocks.
(BKS) Block Shedding - How well the player can shed a block.
(PUR) Pursuit - Skill in finding and pursuing the ball carrier--likely laterally.
(PRC) Play Recognition.
(MAN) Man Coverage - Skill of the defender in man coverage.
(ZONE) Zone Coverage - Skill of the defender in zone coverage.
(SPCTH) Spectacular Catch - A player's ability to make a spectacular catch.
(CIT) Catch in Traffic - How well the player can catch the ball and maintain possession in tight coverage.
(RTE) Route Running Rating - How well the player runs the play's passing route.
(POW) Hit Power - The strength of the player's hit, which can determine the success of a tackle or the possibility of a fumble.
(PRESS) Press Rating - Ability of defender in press coverage.
(RELEASE) Release Rating - Ability of receiver to release from press coverage.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
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