Buying gold packs (not premium gold packs) seems to give you best bang for your coins. Buy a gold pack (6,ooo coins), look through the pack and determine which cards you want to keep for your team and collect the cards you need for your collections. Post the rest of the cards to the auction block for 10,000 bid and 10,000 buy now. For best results, set your auctions to expire after 1 or 2 hours during peak times.
By default, the buy now value is 30,000 coins for gold cards. When a buyer sees 10,000 BIN (buy now) they will be more apt to buy your card. You can also discard cards that are not part of a collection and get back 750 coins. So essentially, you can get back at least 2/3 the amount of coins you used to purchase a gold pack through discards and selling popular cards on the auction block.
Also, do some research on cards that you are posting to the auction. Do an auction search for your card. If the search comes up with more than 100 you will have a more difficult time selling the card then say a card that comes back with less than 30 in the list.
Legend Pack Strategy
Another way to earn coins is to buy a legend pack. If you are lucky enough to get a Gale Sayers, Barry Sanders, or Jerry Rice in a pack you can put it up on the auction block for about 100,000 coins. You can probably build your entire team off of the sale of a Dan Marino, for example.
Free Coins
In the Madden NFL 12 menu, sign up for fantasy football with and then log your team into Madden NFL 12 and you will get 3,000 coins.
Madden NFL 12