I have been having quite a bit of success returning kickoffs for touchdowns in Madden 10 with the 49ers. Allen Rossum has good speed as a kick returner so this might be one of the factors. Because of his speed, I always use one kick returner as opposed to two returners. I always choose middle kick return. There are 4 men lined up in front of the return man. Before the kickoff, I control one of the middle blockers. While the ball is in the air, I sprint the blocker towards the side the ball is being kicked to. I follow my blockers and if I get lucky, I'll find a hole. This method is usually only effective if the ball lands near the side of the field and not in between the hash marks.
On the kicking side, I've also been burned a few times with TD scoring kick returns. To help avoid TD returns I've been trying to kick the ball towards the middle of the field. While the ball is in the air, I'll maintain control of the kicker and just jog down the field so I don't interrupt the play.
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