Quotes from the Super Bowl
Sean Payton coached a brilliant game. He said he came up with the idea for the onside kick at halftime. Saints kicker Thomas Morstead said after the game "I wasn't worried. I was terrified." Colts defensive back Melvin Bullitt said: "That was a huge turning point. They caught us off guard. It was gutsy. If we would have got it, the game might have been a blowout."
The Saints could have kicked it deep, as nearly any other team would have, and then mostly likely would have watched the Indianapolis Colts march down the field for a score. But, the Saints took a risk and it paid off for them.
Onside Kicks in Madden
Just for 'kicks' I went into practice mode in Madden 10 last night and attempted a short squib kick to see how far it would go. Unfortunately, trying an onside kick from the squib kick or normal kickoff doesn't work too well if you're trying to simulate what the Saints did. In Madden, a short kick will usually travel 30-40 yards even if you try a short 'tap' kick. One can still use the onside kick play in Madden but it won't catch anyone off guard like the Saints did to the colts.
In Madden online, I still think it's a bad play to attempt an onside kick especially to start the second half but some users still insist on doing this. Some players will even switch back and forth between kickoff and onside kick to try to force you to make a mistake. This has happened to me before on a couple occasions where I accidentally pressed the wrong combination of buttons or time ran out and I was stuck in the wrong formation. To counter this, you can just switch to onside return and stay in that formation no matter what the opponent decides to do. Even if he kicks one deep someone
Sean Payton coached a brilliant game. He said he came up with the idea for the onside kick at halftime. Saints kicker Thomas Morstead said after the game "I wasn't worried. I was terrified." Colts defensive back Melvin Bullitt said: "That was a huge turning point. They caught us off guard. It was gutsy. If we would have got it, the game might have been a blowout."
The Saints could have kicked it deep, as nearly any other team would have, and then mostly likely would have watched the Indianapolis Colts march down the field for a score. But, the Saints took a risk and it paid off for them.
Onside Kicks in Madden
Just for 'kicks' I went into practice mode in Madden 10 last night and attempted a short squib kick to see how far it would go. Unfortunately, trying an onside kick from the squib kick or normal kickoff doesn't work too well if you're trying to simulate what the Saints did. In Madden, a short kick will usually travel 30-40 yards even if you try a short 'tap' kick. One can still use the onside kick play in Madden but it won't catch anyone off guard like the Saints did to the colts.
In Madden online, I still think it's a bad play to attempt an onside kick especially to start the second half but some users still insist on doing this. Some players will even switch back and forth between kickoff and onside kick to try to force you to make a mistake. This has happened to me before on a couple occasions where I accidentally pressed the wrong combination of buttons or time ran out and I was stuck in the wrong formation. To counter this, you can just switch to onside return and stay in that formation no matter what the opponent decides to do. Even if he kicks one deep someone
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